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Do you drink enough water?

How many of us, my self included can honestly say that we drink enough water every day? I wouldn't mind betting that there will not be many of us. we are all rushing around, trying to multi task and accomplish all of our daily tasks that so easily we can forget to take care of ourselves and ensure that our bodies are given the optimum hydration which they need. I woke up yesterday morning feeling like I had 101 things to do alongside the usual school run for my two gorgeous children. If it had not been for the many tips and tricks that I have picked up throughout my many years of practicing nutritional therapy, then I know I definitely would not have drank enough.

Did you know that our body is made up of around 60% water as quoted by Medical News Today

With every passing minute we lose so much of it through necessary bodily functions like breathing, sweating and to support our digestion. Therefore, It is so important that we keep fully hydrated to prevent dehydration and low energy levels. We must consume between 2 and 3.5 litres of water everyday for good health. To find out exactly how much you should be consuming each day, consult a hydration calculator. This will take into account your age, height, weight, fitness levels, the climate you live in and whether you are pregnant or breastfeeding. All of our bodies are different and it is important to find out exactly how much water is right for you personally. The one I like to use is here below.

The health benefits of drinking more water include:

  • It can reduce headaches and nausea

  • It supports a healthy digestive system

  • Reduces tiredness and dizziness

  • Improves your skin from blemishes and dryness

  • Helps to improve kidney function

  • Reduces the risk of Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

  • Improves physical performance

  • Better concentration, memory and focus

Also the huge benefits for children include:

  • Reduction of bedwetting

  • Reduced risk of teeth decay

  • Better mental concentration and focus

  • Better visual concentration

  • It can Improve short-term memory

  • Reduces the risk of constipation

  • Reduces the risk of Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

To find out my top 5 favourite tips and tricks for drinking more water, please check out my YouTube video. So pour yourself a nice fresh glass of filtered water, maybe even with a slice of lemon in for detoxing benefits, sit down, relax and enjoy :-)

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